How To Use The Address Bar In A Browser

How to use the address bar in a browser? At the top of every browser page. The “Address Bar” is used to input an exact website address. All websites have exact spelling, all lower case, no spacing, no symbols, and close with a URL such as; DOT-COM. 

Inputs that include and close with a URL such as a dot-com, dot-net, dot-biz will go directly to that website. The address bar acts as a search engine for any inputs without a “URL,” such as .com or .net. The internet could not function without the address bar.

A website address has three parts to it, the Protocol, the name, and the URL. “HTTPS://” is the Protocol, “geektomenow” is the name, “DOT-COM” is the URL. Every website in the world has a unique Domain Name. You can forward as many domain names as you want to the same website, but only one is the actual website address. “The primary domain name” is the website; You can forward an unlimited amount of domain names to a single website IP address.

Using The Address Bar Is The Safest Way To Travel On The Internet

So many things I do as a professional computer tech are second nature to me. Using the address bar is one of those things that’s second nature to me because it’s impossible to get a virus going directly to a website. It’s so second nature to me, yet challenging to explain to customers how important it is for safety.
When anybody searches online, the results page can be dangerous because you can get a virus if you click on the wrong thing. In 2021 it’s much safer searching the internet than in the past. But there are still some bad websites out there, so you want to be cautious. I use the address bar because many websites domain name is the same as the business name. Some examples are,,,, Name and URL are all you need to type into the “address bar” to go directly to a website. There is no need to input “WWW.” or “HTTPS://” because that is done automatically in any browser.

The Address Bar Is Safer and Saves Time!

The biggest reason I use the address bar is I don’t get distracted. I struggle with distractions while I’m working because I’m always on a computer. When I Google something, sometimes I get distracted by other things, but that can’t happen when I use the address bar.
The purpose of the address bar is to go straight to a website that eliminates the possibility of being distracted and getting a computer virus. When you use the address bar saves time, and it’s a great tool to help you stay focused.

Windows 10 Special
Author: Ron Hunnewell

Owner & CEO of “Geek To Me Now!”

All The articles I write are based on over twenty years of computer repair experience. I find it rewarding to help people with computer issues because customers appreciate it, and it feels good. I have mastered repairing PCs through decades of experience (Ron The Geek!), and amazingly I still love what I do!  I provide informative and helpful information based on my 20 plus years of experience. As the CEO of “Geek To Me Now!”  Our company is committed to providing helpful tech information for all PC users. 

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