What Does Computer Memory (RAM) Do?

What does computer memory (ram) do? Memory is temporary storage for minuscule amounts of data. RAM (random access memory), otherwise known as memory, works the same way humans do. For example, if you have five of the same calculations to do repeatedly, you memorize the results of the calculations so that you can work faster. Computer memory mimics a human; it stores small amounts of data to go quicker when revisiting a program or a website. The data retained in the memory will not harm your computer because it is such a small amount.

When You're Clearing Cookies or Browser History, You are Erasing The Computer Memory

All computers perform faster when the memory gets erased. Even the most novice computer user can clear their browser history on each browser separately. After removing the browsing history, a computer is noticeably faster.
The more active a computer is, the more junk gets stored on the memory sticks, the more problems it can cause in the performance of a computer. If computer memory is for storage, why would I remove the data stored on it? There are several reasons to clear the memory; one is its “TEMPORARY” storage. The data in the Memory (RAM) piles up; it is the equivalence of a pile of garbage. The more you fill a garbage can, the less room you have in it. If a computer has 4GB of RAM and 2GB of garbage on it, it operates as if it has 2GB of RAM; Hence it runs slower.

Is Memory Only Storing Browsing Data?

Is memory only storing browser data, no? Computer memory is also active on your desktop retaining small amounts of data. It would help if you cleaned computer memory regularly, or programs such as Photoshop perform erratically.
Many computer users think their computer has hardware issues because of the erratic behavior of specific programs not associated with the internet. Many users that experience this erratic behavior even go so far as to buy a new computer. The catch is if they knew how to clear the computer memory, their PC would perform like new again.

How Do I Clear The Memory On My Local Drive (Desktop)

Here’s a situation where I can cost my company money sharing this information but helping the computer users is our quest. “Geek To Me Now!” values its reputation and will not hold back providing the most helpful information possible for a better computer user experience. We have one goal at “Geek To Me Now!” which is to be the computer repair brand you know and trust!

The following is the method for cleaning memory locally on your computer. Go to the search box on your desktop and type the following: %temp%, and you will see Temp Folder at the top of the list. Click on it. A well-populated dialog box named temp folder will pop up, and everything in it is garbage.

Hold Down: Control-A on your keyboard to highlight everything in the temp folder dialog box and delete it all. Note: a couple of items will not delete because they are in use. You will think you just performed magic on your computer because it will noticeably improve performance. Cleaning the temp files is one of the best-kept secrets in the computer repair industry because it improves performance and is easy to do.

How Do I know What Size Memory Is Best?

Now that you’ve learned how memory works, understanding the sizes should be much easier because it’s literally like comparing different-sized garbage cans. The busier you are on a computer, the more memory you want. For example, graphic design requires large amounts of RAM, and a graphics card with dedicated memory. Anybody working with video and gaming need more RAM than your average computer user.

The average computer user who isn’t that active and cleans their computer memory will have a fast, smooth-running computer. There is no such thing as “Too Much Memory.” The more memory a computer has, the quicker a PC is. When you increase memory and replace a mechanical hard drive with a solid-state hard drive, you wouldn’t believe it’s the same computer because it’s so much faster!

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